
PFH Private University of Applied Sciences was recognised by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture in 1995, which means that it is Lower Saxony’s oldest private, state-recognised university. The incentive for its foundation was the idea of providing fresh impetus in the fields of science and teaching with a purely privately funded university that offers a study programme aligned to the real needs of the economy. In 2007, PFH received institutional accreditation from the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA). At the end of 2018, PFH received institutional re-accreditation from the German Council of Science and Humanities.

The University has since been actively contributing to securing Germany’s position as a science and business location through its intensive training of qualified new managerial blood. The PFH meets these high aspirations through a consistent orientation towards practical experience, through its marked internationality and by developing innovative teaching programmes.

In November 2019, 3,800 students were enrolled in one of the 27 study programmes in Management, Engineering Sciences, Psychology and Business Psychology, Business Law, Technology or in Healthcare Technology. They study either at one of the three campus locations in Göttingen, Stade or Berlin or at one of the distance-learning centres located across Germany and Austria.

PFH - The University for Enterpreneurs

As a university run on entrepreneurial lines, the training of entrepreneurial new blood is an essential cornerstone of the PFH’s orientation. The activities pertaining to this topic area are concentrated in the ZE Zentrum für Entrepreneurship (Centre for Entrepreneurship). Imparting entrepreneurship content or an ability to act entrepreneurially as a key qualification cuts across all the PFH’s departments.

Mission Statement

PFH Private University of Applied Sciences is committed to generating and disseminating knowledge while providing critical and interdisciplinary reflection on political, social and economic interests. Practical orientation in teaching and research, particularly in the fields of management, innovation and technology, is the overriding principle governing our actions. Through our application-oriented and practically relevant teaching in study programmes, we impart well-founded theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills to both students in their initial training and working professionals in terms of lifelong learning, using a range of different teaching methods in on-campus and distance-learning courses while taking increasing digitisation into account.

PFH sees itself as an institution that recognises and values the diversity of all individuals and groups involved in it as potential. University management undertakes to ensure mutual esteem and respectful communication in working relations as fundamental to the sustainable development of PFH as a whole and its participants. Due to the enduring impact and practical orientation of the competencies that they acquire during their study programmes, our graduates are able to assume professional responsibility with particular alacrity or train for higher levels of responsibility within their companies. PFH thus sees itself as an interface between students as high potentials and the world of business.

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