Advantages of E - Mobility Course in Germany

There has been a drastic increase in world population over the years. With increase in population, the mobility needs of the people have also increased. The cost of owning a vehicle, traffic jams, increased fuel prices and insurance premiums and lack of parking places have created a big trouble. Additionally, it has resulted in extremely polluted cities across the globe which further added up to climate change. The need of the hour is to develop methods for mobility which use clean energy or green energy.

MS In New Mobility – Micro Mobility is a brand-new, thriving course that offers a variety of Transportation & Mobility Design Career opportunities to any ambitious designers looking to demonstrate their design skills in the automotive industry. Vehicle design requires a thorough grasp of our culture, of people’s behaviours, and of how current fast-changing scenarios shape our modern approach to mobility. 

The question is “Which is the best place to take this course?”. Pursuing this course from Germany, a country that excels in manufacturing and innovation would be the best option. Though there are many recognised universities having good global rankings, but the course MS in micro-mobility in Germany can be best pursued from PFH German University. The programme is English-taught master’s program in Germany.

The master’s programme in micro mobility from PFH German University is intended at engineers and designers from various disciplines who are interested in materials, mobility, and lightweight building. The programme is Masters in Germany in English means it is taught entirely in English. The programme provides the greatest professional requirements by focusing on lightweight construction and fibre composite materials.

The Master of Science in New Mobility – Micromobility program at PFH University in Germany is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments and trends in micromobility and new mobility solutions. The program covers foundations of new mobility, technical and business aspects, policy and regulation and final thesis project. The program is divided into four semesters, each covering a specific set of topics and culminating in a final thesis project. 

Semester 1: Unlock the Future of Mobility the New Mobility – Micromobility program at PFH University Germany. You will delve into Advanced Mathematics and Technical Mechanics, Agile Project Management, Digital Factory Planning, Machine Learning, OLAP and Data Mining. You will also explore the subjects of Innovation and Digital Transformation, law and ethics, Sustainable Development / Circular Economy, and more.

Semester 2: In this semester you will discover the world of Sensor Technology and Applications covering Measurement and Control Technology, Sensor Technology. It also includes-Modern Materials and Technologies, Additive Manufacturing, Composites and Processes. Information Technology and Cyber Security uncovers the hazards and security measures along with data, information and knowledge technologies. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Applied Simulation / Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality are a part of digital technologies in the curriculum. Management Accounting-Internal Accounting and Controlling, Finance and Risk Management with Change Management and Leadership cover up the business aspects.

Semester 3: This semester is all about Quality Assurance and Control, Quality Techniques and Procedures, Non-destructive Testing (NDT). It covers the new Mobility Concepts and Technologies with Vehicle Categorisation, Modern Vehicles, and Energy Storage Systems at its core. The other topics are Infrastructure in Transports and Mobility which has details of Transport Infrastructure and Charging Infrastructure. The Design for Mobility Concepts encompasses Digital Test Models and Lightweight Construction and Construction Methods. This semester teaches about research methods and Internship.

Semester 4: Final Thesis Project

In the final semester, students will complete a research-based thesis project. Here you will work on your Master’s Thesis and Disputation, where you’ll conduct independent research and contribute to the development of micromobility solutions. This will involve identifying a specific research question related to micromobility and conducting independent research to investigate the question and draw conclusions. This project will provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the program to a real-world scenario and contribute to the development of micromobility solutions.

Let us see the advantages and reasons to pursue this program from PFH German University. The points have been mentioned below:

  • For many years, the PFH has been incorporating research, research, and teaching which ensures the updated knowledge imparted by professors who are scientists of the field. 
  • Engineering, business science, digitization, and sustainability are all part of this interdisciplinary academic programme.
  • Putting theory into practice through a variety of projects and case studies.
  • Completely in English and in accordance with the most recent industry standards.
  • Professors with practical experience deliver up-to-date content.
  • Management content chosen for the study programme
  • Individual assistance is provided in small learning groups.

The Master’s programme allows you to gain a deeper understanding of digitization, innovation, and sustainability, as well as ethical and legal challenges in an international and intercultural setting. It also imparts practical knowledge through a variety of projects and case studies. You will not only gain the necessary academic knowledge in the field of modern drive concepts as you prepare for the job market. The program teaches how to use important tools and acquire necessary skills to help you put your knowledge into practise. Furthermore, it gives expertise to manage projects using several frameworks and collaborate with others to create a successful product.

Apart from getting trained in the field and being able to meet the challenges of the industry, the course also equips you to find jobs in top MNCs of the automotive field. The course opens up job opportunities in Germany and abroad.

Graduates with a specialisation on New Mobility can build leadership abilities at a higher management level (you can look out for MBA in Germany as well). They will participate in the creation of mobility solutions, as well as in planning and strategic decision-making.

In conclusion, The Master of Science in New Mobility – Micromobility program at PFH University in Germany provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments and trends in micromobility and new mobility solutions. It is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to shape the future of transportation and make a positive impact on society. Enrols now and be a part of shaping the future of Mobility!”

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