Rise Of Startups In Germany Facilitating Foreign Education For Indian Students

Rise Of Startups In Germany Facilitating Foreign Education For Indian Students

Startups play a crucial role in bringing change in society as well as in economic recovery. Startups create economic growth not only locally but globally as well. In 2021 startups surpassed around $600 billion funding records, and unicorns have also crossed 1000 marks with exponential growth.

For students who want to create innovative and non-standard products abroad, Germany is the best destination for setting up a startup abroad.

Germany is home to thousands of businesses, from small proprietorships to MNCs. The government is open to all types of business including foreign business as well. Companies like Soundcloud, Zalando, Flixbus, and HelloFresh are some of the stand-out successes of the country.

Germany is the center of Europe for start-ups. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich are leading in developing a well-organized ecosystem for startups, which make founding and building innovative company easily.

According to a survey, around 3.1 billion euros was invested in a startup which is almost five times what was invested in 2013 and in 2021 it was an impressive 19.7 billion euros.

International companies who want to their products go beyond the local market; the German market has many opportunities to offer. As 10% of CEOs of startups in Germany are from abroad, this market is famous for non-standard products and innovative business models.

Most students are usually lost while going abroad. Starting from the right college to apply to the confusion about how to process the application, students usually look for an experienced professional to help them out. Considering the huge number of students who go abroad every year, start-ups sensed the business opportunity in this segment.

For overseas education, Germany stands as a promising location in terms of offering quality education at an affordable price offering low living costs, and availability of scholarships for international students. Also, its offer easy work permit for international students.

Various German university offers master’s in management which help students drive their career in entrepreneurship or start-up. Universities that drive on entrepreneurial lines, develop entrepreneurial young talent and encourage entrepreneurship practices. Activities covering all aspects of this topic area are concentrated in the Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Imparting entrepreneurship content or the ability to act entrepreneurially as a key qualification cut across all departments. To make this process smoother, various German universities like the University of Mannheim Business School,
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, PFH German Uni Hamburg, University of Marburg, University of Cologne, and the Technical University of Munich are some examples. A Master in General Management program (specialization in International Marketing, E-commerce, Corporate Finance, etc.) is the right program for students who want to make a career in entrepreneurship.

Also, various German universities like PFH German Uni Hamburg, Technical University of Munich, the University of Cologne, etc provide funding to the unique startups as well.

India’s economy emerging as the second-fastest growing economy in the world, India enjoys a fantastic reputation in the world today and Germany has been a pillar of academia for ages. Startups have emerged as engines of growth for any nation. To maintain the harmony entrepreneurial mindset and relevant skills should be taught as early as possible in schools and universities for young Generations.

Source of Article:- https://techgraph.co/startup/rise-of-startups-germany-facilitating-foreign-education-indian-students/

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